Contact here for performance rights for Yellow Wallpaper or Lock by Lock

"The Yellow Wallpaper" is an adaptation of Charlotte Perkins Gilman's novella, designed to be performed by a cast of 6-30 students with a flexible gender-breakdown. It has been performed with students from 6-12th grade.
Schools may option the rights for $20 for competitions and $40 for ticketed performances.
Lock by Lock is a retelling of the Samson & Delilah story from the book of Judges. It attempts to balance a feminist take on the character with the message of the original story. Thanks to my master's degrees in Shakespeare, it is written in iambic pentameter.
The one-woman show was first produced by Wandering Moose Company in Houston, Texas in February 2020. It is available for licensing at negotiated rates based on expected ticket revenues.

Works in Progress
In 2021, I officially began my second Master of Fine Arts at Simmons University, this time in Writing for Children rather than Shakespeare and Performance.
Teasers for my current Works in Progress are below. No stealing!

Working Title: Old Mr. Walter Hates Noise!
Gabby and Des get along with all of their neighbors -- except for cranky old Mr. Walter who lives right below their apartment. Every time he complains about the noise, they try to solve the problem, only for Mr. Walter to get even madder! But Mr. Walter is not quite what he appears, nor is his complaint. Written in unrhymed metered verse.

Working Title: Gorgons United
Completed in partial fulfillment of the MFA Mentorship I requirement with Simmons University.
YA Greek myth retelling for older fans of the Percy Jackson and Myth-O-Mania series who are ready for a look into the darker side of Mount Olympus but not quite ready for Madeline Miller.
With the loving but irreverent approach to Greek Mythology that the My Lady Jane series takes to history, Gorgons United is a YA novel that brings together the stories of Hades and Persephone, Perseus and Medusa, and Cupid and Psyche, all threaded together by a naive intern in the Fates Office, who sets out for the mortal world to prove that the whole tangled mess is not her fault. At least not entirely.

Working Title: A Moment Too Soon
On Friday morning, Jamie Mehaffy wakes up in a room she did not go to sleep in the night before. But that's not the problem.
Jamie is an involuntary time traveler. She lives Saturday to Thursday in order, but on Friday she could wake up two weeks ahead, three months back, or years into the past and future. On these days, she has to escape out the bedroom window before her current foster family sees her suddenly older or younger than they have ever seen her before.
The latest Friday is the final straw for her current fosters, so she ends up at the Twice a Day Cafe, a strange place run by a lovely couple with secrets of their own and clientele who may have stranger secrets even than Jamie's.
Jamie dares to hope she might have found people who could, if not understand her, actually accept her strangeness and help her figure out how to manage her strange time abilities.
Unfortunately, she's pretty sure that she's already betrayed them.